coop ASA European
Festival of the regions 1997 ? Upper Austria
14th ? 24th August 1997
Festival NetzKunstWerke ? Erlangen/Fürth/Nürnberg/Schwabach
25th June ? 25th July 2000
Festival "LandArbeit": Heinde, Listringer (D)
16th June ? 8th July 2007
Tables go on a journey across the length and breadth of Upper Austria. At the Festival of the regions in 1997 we invite all Upper Austrians, together with the German performance artist Boris Nieslony (ASA European), to give away their main tables from the privacy of their homes and to take in a strange table for ten days.
56 tables go on a journey in three lorries for all in all 20.000 km across the country. The students? sharing a flat exchange their dining table with the one from a noble villa, the table from the Innviertler farmer?s rustic room lands in an alternative kindergarten ? and vice versa. A random society of table transactioners results ? a network of meetings. Visits and return visits are arranged, gifts are taken along, stories are told, drinks and food are served. The festival audience may take a seat at the tables and share the rites of hospitality in the intimacy of private spheres.
We realise another table transaction again with Boris Nieslony in 2000 at the media festival, where we create an analogous network between the cities of Erlangen, Fürth, Nürnberg and Schwabach. And a third table transaction is realized within the village-community of Heinde near Hildesheim(Ger) at the festival Landarbeit.
Large poster with a documentation of the transaction 2000 as well as further ideas and thoughts (in German): Euro 5.- excl. p&p
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